The Matrix Resurrections
Written by Lana Wachowski & David
Mitchell & Aleksandar Hemon
Directed by Lana Wachowski
Released December 22, 2021 |
Neo is mysteriously resurrected in the
Matrix. But can he become the man he once was?
Notes from the Matrix chronology
The story of
The Matrix Resurrections
takes place about 60 years after Neo's death at the end of The Matrix
Didja Know?
The movie was shot largely in
San Francisco,
CA. Shots of the city skyline, the bay, and the
Golden Gate and Bay bridges are seen frequently
throughout the film. The story also takes place in the
Matrix version of San Francisco, as evidenced by the
presence of San Francisco police cars (though the "San
Francisco Police" logo seen on the cars here appears to
be a variation based on that of the city of
South San
Characters appearing or mentioned in this story
Sequoia (Seq)
General Niobe
false Trinity
SWAT officers
Agent Jones
Agent White
Agent Smith-Morpheus
Neo (Thomas Anderson)
police lieutenant
Jude Gallagher
Brandon (Trinity/Tiffany's older son)
Donnie (Trinity/Tiffany's younger son)
Chad (Trinity/Tiffany's husband)
Callie (Trinity/Tiffany's daughter, mentioned only)
Smith (head of Deus Machina)
the Analyst
Gwyn de Vere
Deus Machina employees
Déjá Vu (black cat)
the Oracle (in flashback only, purged)
Persephone (in flashback only)
Roland (mentioned only, deceased)
Hanno (Mnemosyne pilot)
Dozer (mentioned only, deceased)
Rama Kandra (mentioned only, purged)
Kamala (mentioned only, purged)
Didja Notice?
The film opens inside the Modal. "Modal" is a computing term
in graphical user interfaces for a window or other graphical
element that temporarily disables the main window until the
user provides input (such as yes/no/cancel or other input).
The Modal here is an overlay to the Matrix video
game created by Thomas Anderson, allowing him to experiment
with different actions in the game; Bugs tells an Agent that
a modal is a simulation used to evolve programs.
As Bugs and Seq hack into the Modal, Seq tells Bugs to "drop
a pin." This phrase generally means to mark one's current
location on GPS. Here, it must mean to mark a virtual
location in the game.
At 2:11 on the DVD, the SWAT officers have busted into a
room of the Heart O' The City Hotel, the same hotel in Mega
City in which The Matrix
opened. SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) is a special
forces team of the police department.
The SWAT officers are armed with
Heckler & Koch HK416D rifles and M4A1 carbines.
The police cars outside the Heart O' The City Hotel appear
to be Ford
Crown Victorias.
At 4:21 on the DVD, a neon sign in the Modal reads
"Sabor a Mierda". This is Spanish for "taste of shit".
The Agents are armed with their traditional
Desert Eagle pistols,
as seen in previous Matrix movies.
At 6:11 on the DVD, Bugs falls
off the building and roughly slides down the sign of a
restaurant called Anderson's. This is likely Thomas Anderson
referring to himself in the Modal. Notice the neon sign on
the restaurant adds, "For those who love to eat shit."
At 6:40 on the DVD, Puppy Pub Grooming is seen in the
background. There is an actual
grooming parlour by this name in Ontario, Canada!
The police car at 6:36 on the DVD has license plate 60378.
The Modal has a replica of the Keymaker's shop not far from
the Heart O' The City Hotel. It was not in this location in
the original Matrix trilogy. When we enter the
location with the characters, we see there is a hallway of
backdoors attached to it.
From the hallway, the Agent pulls Bugs into a room that is
an approximate replica of Neo's Thomas Anderson apartment as
in The Matrix.
Bugs tells the Agent her name is derived from that of Bugs
Bunny. Bugs Bunny is, of course, a world famous character
from Warner Brothers' well-known Looney Tunes
At 8:54 on the DVD, the monitor in the Thomas Anderson
apartment appears to be a
501P model. In The Matrix,
it was a
PanaSync Pro P70. What appear to be an
Disk II and
Sony brand floppy disk drives are also seen here.
The Metacortex ID badge Bugs finds for Thomas Anderson in
his apartment shows him as a Junior Programmer. The badge
shows as issued May 28, 1996. The badge number is
3809940TAA; possibly the TAA represents the initials from
his name, Thomas A. Anderson. Metacortex is the company
Anderson worked at in The Matrix.
At 9:14 on the DVD, what appear to be
cereal and
Heinz ketchup products are seen in Anderson's kitchen.
The Agent who confides in Bugs turns out to be a program
based on Morpheus, created by Neo. Before coming to
awareness that he was Morpheus, the Agent was a new Smith.
In the Keymaker's shop at 12:37 on the DVD, a board on the
wall has a bunch of keys hanging on it, with the slogan
above, "Our Genuine HUGH Key Blanks." As far as I can find,
HUGH is a fictitious company.
At 12:53, a movie titled Root of All Evil, starring
Lito Rodriguez, is playing at a theater in the Modal. This
seems to be a fictitious film. The actor's name is that
of a character who is an actor in Lana Wachowski's 2015-2018 TV series
At 13:49 on the DVD, Neo appears to have a Morpheus action
figure on his desk, based on the Matrix video game
he created for the interactive gaming company Deus Machina.
Seconds later, a Trinity action figure is seen, then a
Sentinel. Deus Machina (Latin for "God Machine") is a
fictitious company.
At 13:59 on the DVD, Neo is seen to have a posable model on
a shelf of a human
hand, with the middle finger raised. This is likely a nod to
Anderson flipping off Agent Smith during an interrogation
early in The Matrix.
Batman statue can also be seen behind and to the right of the
hand. Later, statues that are too distant to positively
identify, but appear to Green Lantern and Flash, are seen.
The superhero characters are all owned by DC Comics, which
is owned by Warner Brothers, the film studio that owns the
Matrix franchise.
Anderson's Matrix video game is seen to have won the Game
Awards 1999 Game of the Year. The Game Awards is an actual
annual awards ceremony honoring achievements in the gaming
industry, though it was not established until 2014.
Neo/Thomas is working on a new video game called Binary.
At 14:58 on the DVD, a passerby on the sidewalk outside the
Deus Machina building appears to be carrying a package of
Bounty paper towels for some reason! In the background a
business called Simulatte, a coffee shop, is seen, where Jude
and Tom will get coffee (the real life location was the
Joe &
The Juice coffee shop at 235 Montgomery Street in San
Jude's dialog with Thomas at the cafe tells us that the there
is a trilogy of Matrix video games. Presumably the
second and third games are based on and titled after the
trilogy of films we know in our world,
The Matrix Reloaded
and The Matrix
At 15:10 on the DVD, Neo/Thomas' reflection on the shiny
surface of the coffee shop table is that of an another man. This
is the first hint that this image is what everyone else sees
when looking at Thomas Anderson, not the Keanu Reeves face
we know.

When Trinity/Tiffany enters Simulatte, Jude refers to her as
a "total effin' MILF." MILF is an acronym for "Mother I'd
Like to Fuck."
"Tiffany" says her mom named her that because she loved
Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn (1929-1993) was a famed American
actress who starred in the 1961 hit film Breakfast at
The man who plays Trinity/Tiffany's husband, Chad, is Chad
Stahelski, who is the director of Keanu Reeves' popular
John Wick series of films. (Stahelski also acted as
Reeves' stunt double in The Matrix
and was a martial arts stunt coordinator on
The Matrix Reloaded
and The Matrix
At 18:15 on the DVD, a bust sitting near the window of
Smith's office appears to be a rendition of the original
Agent Smith when Neo punched him in the face in a
slow-motion shot during the Burly Brawl in
The Matrix Reloaded.

Neo/Thomas gets a refill on his prescription from Jolly
Bridge Pharmacy. This is a fictitious business. The pills
are blue, indicating a desire to stay within the artificial
reality of the Matrix.
At 22:39 on the DVD, the label of the prescription
pill bottle reads as containing ontolofloxin. This is a
fictitious drug, probably named for "ontology", the study of
being, existence, and reality.
At 22:52 on the DVD, Neo/Thomas' reflection in the mirror is
the disparate face again (as previously seen in the table
reflection at the coffee shop).
The song that plays over the soundtrack starting at 23:28 on
the DVD is "White Rabbit" (1967) by Jefferson Airplane.
At 23:42 on the DVD, a bottle of
Walden Farms caramel-flavored coffee creamer is seen at
a brunch layout at a Deus Machina meeting.
At 24:21 on the DVD, the Deus Machina employee called Scott
is wearing a Joust t-shirt. Joust is an
arcade video game released by Williams Electronics in 1982.
Bottles of Bakarra water are seen on the table in the scene
mentioned above. This is a fictitious brand. Bakarra
is Basque for "only one".
Many of the young men who are brainstorming for the
Matrix 4 game seem to represent the kind of
Matrix-film fans who will not like this fourth film,
wanting just guns and fights and effects, "big and loud and
dumb". This movie has much less of that than those of the
original trilogy did.
The kung fu film playing on Neo/Thomas' TV while he
practices a martial arts virtual reality is reportedly the
1994 film Fist of Legend.
The quote that Neo/Thomas reads off the men's room stall
door, "It is so much simpler to bury reality than it is to
dispose of dreams," is from the 1971 novel Americana
by Don DeLillo. The novel touches on the themes of corporate
life, the power of film to offer a false reality, and the
problems of contemporary American life.
At 25:03 on the DVD, the female Deus Machina employee is
seen reading a book compiling Alice in Wonderland
and Through the Looking-Glass. As far as I can
determine, the cover used on this volume was made expressly
for the film.
At 25:08 on the DVD, a can of beverage called Jub Jub is
seen. I've been unable to determine if this is a real world
brand, but it may be prop can made for the movie, as
"jubjub" is a species of bird in Lewis Carroll's nonsense
poems "Jabberwocky" (1871) and "The Hunting of the Snark"
At 25:19 on the DVD, Trinity/Tiffany walks out of a
restaurant across from another restaurant, Cafe Zoetrope.
Zoetrope is a real world Italian restaurant in San
Francisco, owned by renowned American film director,
producer, and screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola.
At 25:32 on the DVD, Neo/Thomas is at
home eating a steak and what appears to be asparagus. In the
next shot, the plate has changed to steak and french fries.
However, since this is part of a montage scene of numerous
events in his current life, it could be argued that these
are two different meals.
The steak is likely meant as a callback to Cypher
talking about eating a virtual steak in the Matrix in The Matrix:
"You know...I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that
when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling my brain
that it is juicy, and delicious. After nine years...you know
what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."
At 25:41 on the DVD, Neo/Thomas is seen exercising on a
Precor fitness walker.
While Trinity/Tiffany is having coffee with Neo/Thomas at Simulatte,
at 27:05 on the DVD, a man in a checkered shirt and blue
vest jacket walks by the window from right to left and then
a spectacled man in a red sweater walks from left to right.
At 27:57, the same two men walk by again from the same
directions! A glitch in the Matrix?
Trinity/Tiffany tells Neo/Thomas she likes the character of Trinity
in his Matrix games and also likes her Ducati, as
she rides motorcycles as well. Trinity rode a
Ducati 996
The Matrix Reloaded.
At 30:14 on the DVD, we see Trinity/Tiffany's reflection in
the coffeehouse table and it's a different woman. Like
Neo/Thomas, people in the Matrix see her differently than we
do. Tiffany's story of how she sees Trinity in the video
game as looking like her, but her husband doesn't see it,
shows that Tiffany doesn't know that others see her looking
different from what she sees herself in the mirror.
Presumably, the same is true of Neo/Thomas.

Trinity/Tiffany receives a phone call that her youngest
child stuck a
Lego up
his nose.
The FBI clears the Deus Machina building when it becomes the
target of a bomb threat. The FBI is the American
Federal Bureau of
Investigation, which investigates federal crime and
provides internal intelligence for the federal government.
When the SWAT officer bursts in on Neo/Thomas and Morpheus
in the restroom, Morpheus suddenly has two guns in his
hands, an IWI
Masada pistol and a Heckler & Koch MP5K submachine gun. It's
particularly hard to imagine him hiding the machine gun on
his person up until now.
The Analyst's black cat drinks from a bowl labeled "Déjá-vu"
at 36:01 on the DVD. This is a nod to the black cat that
Neo sees in The Matrix
that walks by him twice from the same direction in immediate
succession, prompting Neo to think he's experiencing
déjá vu, the sensation of having experienced a current
event previously (which was actually a glitch in the
36:35 on the DVD, in Neo's "memory" of his suicide attempt,
there are giant blue/red pills on the table, as well as a
statue of a white rabbit. The silvery angel statue (a real
world Game of the Year award) may be what
triggers a latent memory that he can fly.
When Bugs stops Neo/Thomas from attempting to fly off the
skyscraper, not only does she have a tattoo of the white
rabbit, she is also wearing a t-shirt with an image of a
carrot on it.
Bugs takes Neo/Thomas through a portal on top of the
skyscraper in San Francisco to a train in
Tokyo, Japan.
At 48:23 on the DVD, Berg wields a SIG-Sauer MPX Copperhead
K submachine gun against the invading SWAT team.
At 48:35 on the DVD, a SWAT officer fires a
Milkor MGL
(multiple grenade launcher).
At 48:35 on the DVD, a passenger on the Tokyo train is
wearing a cloth face mask (for prevention of germ spread, as
in during the COVID-19 pandemic) that has Matrix code
printed on it!

At 48:35 on the DVD, we can see that Lexy has a tattoo of
red and blue pills on the back of her neck where her Matrix
port is located in the waking world.

The stone bridge seen at both ends of Morpheus' dojo
platform in the pond is actually the Rakotzbrücke
in Kromlau Azalea and Rhododendron Park in Germany.
Bugs asks the doctor who's resuscitating Neo, "What's up,
Doc?" This was Bugs Bunny's tag line.
Bugs tells Neo that the Oracle was purged when the current
version of the Matrix was uploaded.
Bugs is the captain of the hovercraft Mnemosyne.
The Mnemosyne's plaque, seen at 1:03:04 on the DVD,
refers to it as a Mark III, No. 19 and reveals that the
craft was built in 2274. "Mnemosyne" is the goddess of
memory in Ancient Greek mythology.
Ellster reveals to Neo that she is the granddaughter of
Roland. Roland was the captain of the hovercraft Mjolnir
during the timeframe of the Matrix trilogy and
The Matrix Online.
The free humans in the real world live in a hidden city
called IO, along with machines who are their allies, called
synthients. I/O is an abbreviation for Input/Output in
computer terminology. Notice also that IO looks like 01 in
reverse (the name of the machine city on Earth's surface in The Matrix
Neo drinks some kind of liquor with Niobe and he remarks
that it's a long way from Dozer's paint stripper. Dozer was
a crewmember on the Nebuchadnezzar in The Matrix.
He died in the events of that film.
A statue of Morpheus stands in a memorial cave in IO. Niobe
explains to Neo that Morpheus was elected unanimously to the
post of High
Chair of the Council of Zion. When the Machine Civil War
started for control of scarce power sources, the Analyst was
able to overthrow the Architect, then the Analyst attacked
Zion, killing Morpheus and forcing the humans to flee. The
humans of Zion allied with some of the synthients to build
The Morpheus program sees where Niobe's government is
keeping Neo under house incarceration, lest he cause
trouble, and refers to it as the "Rapunzel tower." This
refers to the German fairy tale called Rapunzel
about a beautiful young girl who is kept in a tower by a
sorceress, with no
means of escape.
The motorcycle Trinity/Tiffany rides is a Ducati Scrambler 1100 Pro.
For the interception of Trinity/Tiffany, Seq drops Bugs and
Neo and their team into the Matrix in a fancy hotel room. At
1:20:25 on the DVD, the reflection of the
Tower can be seen in a mirror, indicating the hotel is
in the Paris,
France of the Matrix.
During the fight among Neo's team and Smith's and the
Merovingian's, the Merovingian says some lines in French I'm
not able to make out.
The Analyst explains that he is a program
created to study and understand human psychology in order to
control humans better. When Neo died during the events of The Matrix
Revolutions, the Analyst convinced the machine
powers to let him try to rebuild Neo, finding he also needed
to bring Trinity back in order to keep Neo in his
psychological control.
The Analyst's time spent trying to resurrect Neo may
be why the Machines never gave Neo's body back to the humans,
despite Morpheus' demands for it in
The Matrix Online.
The shot at 2:03:05 on the DVD was shot in front of the
Plaza Hotel in San Francisco.
At 2:03:49 on the DVD, a bot driving during the Neo/Trinity
chase is wearing a pin badge reading "I (Heart) Kater". I'm
not sure what this refers to. Only seconds earlier, the
badge is not there!

At 2:04:45 on the DVD,
Bank of
the Orient is seen. Seconds later, a
store and
Shanghai Commercial Bank are seen.
The helicopters that attack Neo and Trinity are
Eurocopter AS350 AStars.
At 2:06:17 on the DVD, a lighted sign advertising "Papa
Song's Coming Soon" is seen along the roadway. This was a
fast food restaurant in Cloud Atlas, a 2012
science-fiction film directed by the Wachowskis and Tom
At 2:13:25 on the DVD, the
Transamerica Pyramid is seen in the background. To the
right of it is the somewhat similar-looking
Salesforce Tower.
As the end credits begin, a cover of the song "Wake Up"
(originally by Rage Against the Machine) by Brass Against
The original version of the song was played over the end
credits of The Matrix.
Unanswered Questions
If the events of this film take place about 60 years after
those of The Matrix
Revolutions, why does Sati still look so young?
Since she is a program and not a human and also someone with
some degree of power that normal programs do not have, it
may be that she is able to keep herself "young" and also hidden from
the Analyst.
The Matrix Online
still considered part of the canon of The Matrix
franchise after the release of this film?
After the final film of the initial Matrix trilogy, The
Matrix Revolutions,
creators the Wachowskis announced the story would officially
continue in the form of The
Matrix Online,
a massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG)
that was in operation from March 25, 2005 to July 31, 2009,
allowing the fans to help control how the story proceeded.
After a little more than four years of operation, MxO's
subscription model was no longer bringing in enough money to
justify the support needed (as frequently occurs with
MMORPGs after several years) and the host servers were shut down
at midnight on July 31, 2009, leaving the game's ongoing
storylines unresolved. The story of this film does not
directly tie into any of the plot threads of
The Matrix Online;
whether it contradicts any of it is debatable.
Since the events of this film take place 60 years after The Matrix
Revolutions (and the events of
The Matrix Online
took place shortly after those of that film), there is
plenty of room for the game's events to have occurred.
Probably the biggest potential contradiction between the
game and this film is in Niobe's description of what
happened to Morpheus after Neo's death in
The Matrix Revolutions. She says he was elected
High Chair of the Council of Zion and, despite the start of
the Machine Civil War, he did not believe that the peace
between machines and humans that had been negotiated by Neo
would be broken. But the Analyst's forces in the end did attack
Zion, with Morpheus becoming a fatality.
This does not mesh particularly well with the story of
Morpheus in
The Matrix Online.
In the
MMORPG, no mention is made of Morpheus' new position on the
Council. There, he continues to access the Matrix, first
hoping to gather Neo's RSI (Residual Self-Image) in order to
resurrect him inside the Matrix, then, failing that, demanding
that the machines return Neo's body (which the machines fail
to do). In an attempt to coerce the machines, Morpheus and
his agents begin using code bombs to sabotage parts of the
Matrix, but he was later seemingly killed by a program
called the Assassin inside the Matrix.
Niobe makes no mention of
Matrix Online
events. Still, it might be possible to twist the threads
around so that both versions of the post-trilogy timeline are true.
Memorable Dialog
maybe this isn't the story we think it is.mp3
maybe you know him by his real name.mp3
most people think that Neo is dead.mp3
this is not the real world.mp3
I am Morpheus.mp3
a sequel to the trilogy.mp3
nervous breakdown or computer generated reality.mp3
the Matrix is about...mp3
bullet time.mp3
it's been over 60 years.mp3
that's what the Matrix does.mp3
you made it possible and it changed everything.mp3
our resident Neo-ologist.mp3
the meaning of our side.mp3
I don't believe in the One.mp3
what if I can't be what I once was?.mp3
Smith as in the Smith.mp3
I still know kung fu.mp3
Anderson and Smith.mp3
mojo rising.mp3
I will sequel franchise spinoff.mp3
using a power that defined you to control you.mp3
quietly yearning for what you don't have while dreading
losing what you do.mp3
some boring-ass trial.mp3
you gave up on people.mp3
my name is Trinity.mp3
we're on our way to remake your world.mp3
another chance.mp3
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Episode Studies